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Video on how to make almond milk

Almond milk is a good alternative to dairy and consuming it can help to reduce and maintain blood pressure. As there is no cholesterol in almond milk compared to dairy it is considered the healthier option. The other nutrients you will benefit from in almond milk are protein, calcium, iron, magnesium. phosphorus, potassium. sodium and zinc, It also has vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin E. These vitamins and minerals help with healthy muscles, vision, kidney health, immune system, heart health and strengthening bones. You also have the protective nutrients in the honey or dates you use. It doesn't have as much calcium as dairy, although one serving contains 30% of your daily calcium requirements. To make sure you get enough calcium especially for women who are at the precious menopausal stage, make sure you are getting your calcium from other good sources such as green leafy veg, parsley, prawns, salmon, beans, nuts, sesame seeds, flaxseeds, tahini, oats, sweet potatoes, brown and red rice, apples, kiwi fruit, oranges, broccoli, kale, Bok choy, sardines watercress, yogurt, cheese, camomile tea, rooibos (red bush) tea and Kefir (for non vegans) ~~~ It's also important to get enough vitamin D at this time as it helps with the absorption of calcium, but more about that in another post. For me I can't have milk, but can have cream occasionally and can tolerate yogurt and cheese. When I first had to go on my exclusion diet (cutting out all inflammatory foods) I wasn't able to have any dairy at all for about six months.

As you can see from the video it only takes 3.5 minutes to make. The amount I've made here is enough to last me for 3-4 days in my cereal. You soak the almonds overnight (add a few of pitches of salt to the filtered water, then rinse) you're better to do this with all seeds and nuts. Things like rice, legumes and oats also need soaking (with a tablespoon of cider vinegar or lemon juice per cup) to reduce the phytic acid, which is an anti nutrient that can reduce the absorption of certain minerals.

Shop bought almond milk often has artificial additives and emulsifiers in it like carrageenan (which is a family of linear sulphated polysaccharides that are extracted from red edible seaweeds). So although it sounds pretty harmless carrageenan has been linked to some intestinal and digestive problems at the least, and the potent inflammatory agents have been linked to higher risks of colon cancer in laboratory animals, although more conclusive research is needed the NOSB voted for it's removal from the national list for use in organics in 2016. I just don't want to take any risks with my digestion considering all the problems I've had in the past and the amount of nurturing it has taken to repair it. I do at times still buy dairy free milk and the only ones I've found so far that don't have any of these undesirable ingredients in them, are 'rude health' organics who have various milks such as almond, coconut, hazelnut, brown rice milk, and all they have added is cold pressed organic sunflower oil and sea salt. I also at times buy organic "SO Oatly milk too. But still far cheaper and nicer to make your own....

Almond milk recipe:

Two cups of filtered water

Pinch of Himalayan salt

Two teaspoons of raw honey or 6 dates

When you are done making the milk put your ground almonds left over from your milk in the dehydrator for 12 hours and keep them in an airtight jar for adding to cereal, yogurt, or for recipes that require almond flour. I've just added Kale here and my soaked oats for the granola at the same time so that I'm using the energy in an eco friendly way.

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