Angel tribe...Goddess retreat... Blisspedia...and new look for Butterflybees...
Wow it's been an exciting few weeks! A couple of weeks ago I got an email from a lady from a company that does online therapeutic services, she had been looking at my website and asked me if I would join their team, so I will be available to do that with them at Blisspedia in a few weeks time. Then a few days later I was asked to go to a four day Goddess retreat in a beautiful location with gorgeous spa facilities which also has breathtaking Scottish scenery. I will be there with all my organic skincare products, dog grooming products and will be taking a friend to man the stall at times so that I can do some therapies for people too. This is sure to be a fabulous event with lots of inspirational speakers, various therapies pamper treatments, spa facilities and workshops. The event is not until November so I'll post the exact details on my news page when they have finalised everything on their website in a few weeks time.
Then this week I got confirmation that I'm now in Kyle Gray's Angel Tribe which I wasn't expecting as I'd only joined at the end of the year, and the waiting list for it has 20,000 people on it! This wonderful honour will not only enhance my Angelic experience, but my clients will benefit so much more too from all that I'll be learning, it'll also be lovely connecting with other kindred spirits in the tribe gatherings.
And last but not least I have been approached by a lady in my home town who'd like to stock some of my products, wants me to do workshops, and also spoke to me about submitting some work for a artist of the month feature in her window.
I've been looking for some suitable logos and branding, and have found something beautiful that an artist/photographer friend designed. Which means Butterflybees products will be getting a new look. I have the lovely Aimee and Liam who have now joined the team. Aimee is helping with some of the marketing, branding and P.R and Liam is helping with some of the technical side of things...So I can concentrate more on the creativity.
I feel very blessed.