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Hake with fennel, truffle mash and mediterranean vegetables.

Tasty super healthy soul food which only takes half an hour to prep and cook. Hake is a low mercury sustainable fish. The veg here are full of antioxidants and phytonutrients, herbs often have 30% more antioxidants than some vegetables, and adding plenty of herbs to our food really enhances the flavour and helps to fight free radicals that cause disease. The oils used help the fat soluble vitamins to be absorbed, the omega 3s in the oil also help with inflammation. 


Serves 4

Prep time: 10 mins.

4 pieces of hake

8 medium or 12 small potatoes

A bulb of fennel

1 courgette

1 yellow pepper

Half a cup of shitake and chestnut mushrooms

1 large red onion

Cup of broccoli

Cup of cherry tomatoes

Lemon (organic unwaxed)

4 garlic cloves or 1 teaspoon of garlic granules

1 teaspoon of onion granules

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

1 teaspoon of oregano

Handful of fresh basil

Handful of fresh parsley

Small bunch of chives

Drizzle of olive or hemp oil for veg

Truffle oil and couple of knobs of butter for mashed potatoes

Few pinches of Himalayan salt and black pepper (for each dish)


Cooking time: 20 mins.


Chop potatoes up into cubes and cook in pot of boiling filtered water for 15-20 until soft (handy to do this the day before). When potatoes are ready mash them, add butter, truffle oil, salt, pepper, onion salt, chives and half of the parsley, put into ramekins and reheat along side the veg for the 20 mins until golden.


Meanwhile chop up all the veg (leaving the tomatoes and fresh herbs out) drizzle oil all over, sprinkle with garlic, paprika, salt and pepper cook at 180 for 8 mins, turn oven up to 200 and add the prepared fish (below). Only add the fresh herbs and tomatoes for the last five mins of cooking time.


Slice fennel and place over fish with some lemon juice, rind, parsley, salt and pepper, cook in tin foil parcel for around 12 minutes (depending on how thick the fish is). Make it a special meal with some flowers and a candle on the table, even if you are dining alone, always make it special! Enjoy! X

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