GALentines LOVE event…
The Flourishing Well therapy centre at Ecclesgreig Holiday Park DD10 0DE is delighted to offer another delicious mini retreat with Lorna...

Falafels with salad and cucumber mint dip
Falafels are originally from Egypt and make for a nice easy party food, lunch or starter. You can make them in advance and freeze them....

When the drugs don't work
There's no denying medication can be a life saver, but often drugs can become over used. In acute phases I had to resort to them myself,...

M.E and pacing
Pacing yourself may be one of the things you find the hardest with your M.E, CFS and or fibromyalgia. You may believe you continually try...

Boundaries and respect
Boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to...

Understanding compassion and empathy and the impact it has on wellbeing.
What is compassion? The dictionary says - Compassion is the sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. How...

Healing dog cancer…
Before I write up the healing recipes and guidance I'll tell you a little of Toby's story, as he is a very special boy and a real miracle...

Benefits of bone broth and home made gravy.
You can't beat the taste and nutritional value of making your own gravy. Using the bones from your organic free range chicken or organic...

Kale chips
Kale chips are so easy to make and are a healthy option to regular crisps. I make mine in the dehydrator with a smudging of coconut oil,...