Pregnancy nurture workshop
Pregnant ladies come along to the hub and enjoy a wonderful day of pampering, relaxation, nurturing and creativity with the ‘The...

Organic produce is it really so important?
Budgeting well with your recipes and foods, combined with being savvy about where you shop can allow you to buy more organic produce......

Dog organic grooming products by Butterflybees.
Have made many dog grooming, protection and nurturing products for our Toby boy all those years, can't believe he is 91 now, still...

Butterflybees from nature to nurture workshops in Edinburgh and Arbroath.
Butterflybees from nature to nurture wellbeing workshops. Learn how to make your own organic ‘from nature to nurture' therapeutic...

Remedies for itchy skin
Why are there so many people with itchy skin? Itchy skin can happen for a number of reasons. Sometimes it can be signs of an allergy,...

Workshops and latest news
I now have a news page which tells you of latest news and workshops. So far I have added my exciting news about the ‘From Nature to...

How to make your own candles and why you should avoid toxic ones.
Hello lovely people just putting this post up to show you how easy it is to make candles. Also it is going to be one of the activities of...

Fish ~ Low mercury and sustainable versions *UPDATE*
I love my fish, and as with most things in life also love variety. There is a lot of controversy about how healthy it is to eat these...

Thai green prawn curry with black rice
Black rice is more nutrient dense than brown or red rice. It is rich in fibre and packed full of antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamin E,...

Herbs and their fabulous health benefits
Here are the lovely herbs I buy each week. I have the beach on my doorstep at this time of my life instead of my lovely garden and...