Authenticity and healing…
AUTHENTICITY - Having an amazing relationship with ourselves first, masculine and feminine is key to MASTERY of WHOLE self. Diving deep...
My videos for world health hero's.
Below are three of the videos the fabulous Owen and Carla Jo recorded of my journey so far, for world health hero's. The first is in the...
Special moments
Things are changing...On Saturday whilst sat on the freezing cold pavement  across from Stewart who is homeless, having our chat,  three...
When the drugs don't work
There's no denying medication can be a life saver, but often drugs can become over used. In acute phases I had to resort to them myself,...
I woke up at exactly 3:33. The number 3 features extremely frequently in my life, as does 11. The number 3 refers to the trinity and if...
Understanding compassion and empathy and the impact it has on wellbeing.
What is compassion? The dictionary says - Compassion is the sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. How...
Natural cold remedies
Cold remedy Drink – I have made this for us all since the boys were wee... Taken at the first signs of a cold this remedy can nip it in...
From prison to freedom!
Someone asked me one day what it felt like to be bed bound for all those years and then go back out into the real world. Â 'Go Back into...
Kale chips
Kale chips are so easy to make and are a healthy option to regular crisps. I make mine in the dehydrator with a smudging of coconut oil,...