Scented card making workshop.
My first holistic wellbeing workshop of the year is in Arbroath on Sunday 09/02/2020 from 2pm-4pm. There are still two places left for...

Naturopathy...The law of cure compared to the suppression of disease...
The body has amazing innate healing mechanisms. All we need to do is remove everything that’s getting in the way of that happening… Toxic...

M.E (CFS) please be empathetic, people's lives depend on it!
I’ve been immersed within the M.E support groups again offering support and hope, listening and taking note. I myself hadn’t ever been...

Severe M.E empowerment group (recovery is possible).
I've just set up a new facebook group if anyone would like to join, also feel free to share, invite friends, family, carers. This group...

Continued professional development 2018/19.
I do much in the way of CPD. As I love my work so much, I’m often watching videos, engrossed in webinars or reading books and articles...

Unconditional love
When you are born it seems like a birth right, paramount even, that your parents and even your extended family would be the ones to teach...

The lucky ones!
Wow how powerful music is, and love too, combine them and you have pure magic! I just watched this absolutely amazing father and son play...

Detoxing body, mind, soul and home.
There's so many toxins around these days I feel I could write a book on that alone. Rather than give the actual toxins too much air play...

When the drugs don't work
There's no denying medication can be a life saver, but often drugs can become over used. In acute phases I had to resort to them myself,...