GALentines LOVE event…
The Flourishing Well therapy centre at Ecclesgreig Holiday Park DD10 0DE is delighted to offer another delicious mini retreat with Lorna...
Pain masterclass…
Pain Mastery: Person centred functional, holistic medicine releases symptoms of pain by tapping into the body’s own innate healing method...

Manifestation Magic…
♥️🔥Another Quantum leap day🔥♥️ What a powerful manifestation portal day today 22/11/22! Manifesting what we want in our life is to ‘be’...

Codependency Vs Interdependency…
Codependency Vs Interdependency It’s a wonderful feeling to be valued and appreciated, but relying on the validation of others to fill up...

Authenticity and healing…
AUTHENTICITY - Having an amazing relationship with ourselves first, masculine and feminine is key to MASTERY of WHOLE self. Diving deep...

Suicide awareness...
Most of us have been connected to someone who has either experienced the devastating loss of a loved one who has taken their own life,...

Stress relief - Mindfulness
Mindfulness is focusing our attention on the gentle flow of our breathing while being aware of our senses in the present moment… What are...

Immune Boosting Ideas
As a holistic health practitioner, I look at the whole person, their diet, lifestyle, relationships and environment. I empower clients in...

Chicken Soup for the soul with immune boosting, pain relieving, anti inflammatory properties.
Chicken soup for the soul: Prep 5 mins Cooks in 15 mins Serves 2 Ingredients: 400 ml chicken bone broth (recipe here) Cup cubed cooked...

Self care and cancer
Spirituality & Stress Management: The Importance of Self-Care for Cancer Patients Cancer is an experience that’s unique to every person....