Naturopathy...The law of cure compared to the suppression of disease...
The body has amazing innate healing mechanisms. All we need to do is remove everything that’s getting in the way of that happening… Toxic...

M.E (CFS) please be empathetic, people's lives depend on it!
I’ve been immersed within the M.E support groups again offering support and hope, listening and taking note. I myself hadn’t ever been...

Severe M.E empowerment group (recovery is possible).
I've just set up a new facebook group if anyone would like to join, also feel free to share, invite friends, family, carers. This group...

My videos for world health hero's.
Below are three of the videos the fabulous Owen and Carla Jo recorded of my journey so far, for world health hero's. The first is in the...

Progress and gratitude.
Learning to be grateful with tiny little morsels of progress no matter how small they seemed at the time, was what helped me to recover...

World health hero's ~ Join, apply or refer someone you think could do with our support.
I am a proud member of The World Health Heroes. I am delighted to tell you that the clinic service is now up and running as from today....

Illness ~ Angels ~ Support
I remember when the medical establishment first told me I had M.E. The only treatments available in 1999 was drugs with many side...

Homemade recycled paper for my new help the butterflies and bees labels!
Exciting times everyone, as all the old paper I got from the old office shreds gets turned into fab labels that have been impregnated...

Forgiveness is a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed...

Chakra balancing and energy work is it really that important?
Yes it really is important as energy is everywhere within and around. Our whole universe is made from energy. There are many different...